DC  DRAGON  BOAT  CLUB  safety & emergency

Boat Safety Training, Information and Certifications

The much needed Boat Safety Course 2011, free of charge by the
DC Police Harbor Patrol Unit.
The course consists of four two-hour classes.
You will get a certification at the end.
Classes will be help 7pm - 9pm Tues & Thursday at the
Harbor Patrol Station, near Gangplank Marina.

DC Harbor Patrol Free Boat Safety Certification Course

Know CPR  - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Knowing basics CPR can save lives. Be prepared to act should you see a person losing consciousness or cannot breathe, or even for yourself.

The University of Washington School of Medicine has an excellent easy-to-follow but comprehensive CPR guide.

University of Washington - Learn CPR, You Can Do It! Guide

Safety Topics Relating to Dragon Boat Practices

Hypothermia & Cold

Mayo Clinic Guide to Hypothermia

Princeton Outdoor Action Hypothermia Guide

Medline Topic Links on Hypothermia

Heat Exhaustion & Heatstroke

 Mayo Clinic Guide to Heat Exhaustion

Mayo Clinic Guide to Heat Exhaustion


General Safety

All paddlers must have within reach Club or equivalent coast guard certified type III PFD’s (life vests). No inflatable vests are allowed.

All non-open water swimmers or non-swimmers must wear buckled life vests at all times while on water.

The Club reserves the right to wait until all paddlers are properly in life vests before starting practice.

Individuals with detectable alcohol and/or any hallucinic drugs, narcotics will be immediately dismissed from practice.

Individuals deemed unfit to paddle due to unsafe physical conditions or behaviors by the judgement and consultation of the steersperson and coaching staff will be asked to stay off until he or she is fully recovered and ready for training.

Disruptive and /or destructive behaviors are grounds for immediate dismissal.

Weather Safety

Temperature Conditions

Safe temperature condition is a combination of water + air temperature, both combined to equal or above 100°F.

If air temperature is is below 65F please wear a windbreaker/water-repellent type of jacket outside and two to three layers of sport shirts. A hat is also needed. 
We are serious about this recommendation and it will allow you to enjoy your outing without worrying about hypothermia, a potential dangerous emergency condition

This condition is normally not a problem during our season (Arpil-November). Should the temperature remain below the safety guidelines, the session coach or steerer will decide whether to proceed with or cancel practice and/or choose an alternate day.

Rain Conditions

The dragon boat sport is a “get-wet” water sport, and normal light rain conditions without thunder/lightning that does not impede visibility within 1km should remain safe for normal practices.

Should a heavy rain fall that creates visibility and stability problems for boats due to wind and choppy wave conditions, practices will be postponed or cancelled.

Thunder-Lightning, Storm Conditions

When thunder or lightning is observed, all on-water activities will stop. If boats are on water, steersperson will come to the nearest docking or safe harbor. Resumption of practice is only allowed after 30 minutes of no thunder/lightning. The steersperson and coaching staff will work together to further determine safety from observation of weather patterns.



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Weather Safety Policy
Heat Exhaustion/Stroke
General Safety

IDBF Safety Procedures

Practice Cancellation Procedure for ClubDC

1. Decisions & Communications

Please check our Twitter feed on the home page or @dcdragonboat.org.

Also check the sign-in page as coaches will leave a note in there.

If and when required, email coaches -at- dcdragonboat.org

The coaching staff will inform padders who have signed in via email (be sure you have filled out our  membership inquiry form so that we have your contact information).

2. Cancellation Time

- Cancellation will be made by  
  4pm for 6:30pm practice.
  5pm for 7pm practice.
  7am for 9am practice.

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