DC  DRAGON  BOAT  CLUB  your first day out

Before you Come Down

You can help us prepare the paper work by doing these three things:
1. Fill out the short online inquiry.
2. Print & fill out two waiver forms.
3. Put your name on the Practice Sign-in page for the day you would like to come
    (note "First Time" in the "Note or Side Preference" section)
Then just come down. What to wear and what to bring information is below.

Where and When is Practice?

We Practice at the Gangplank Marina.
heck the Maps & Links page for parking or public transportation options.

Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-8:00pm
Saturdays & Sundays 9-10:30am
(Practice on the water is 1 hours, with 30 minutes essential warm-up & ready on land)

What to Wear

Dragon boating is a water sport. Dress as if you would go the a water park, go canoeing or kayaking, and prepare to get a little wet.

Most new comers will tend to splash water, so wear light swim or exercise type of clothing that won't weigh down if soaked. Avoid wearing cotton as it soaks and retains water, making you feel very uncomfortable and may restrict your movement and senses for the sport.

A pair of sunglasses will both help keep out the glare and protect your eyes from splashing water. A hat is highly recommended to keep you cool when exposed to the sun in the middle of the river, and it helps keep your head from getting wet.

Sun screen would definitely be helpful in keeping you from getting burned. Being in the middle of the river exposes you more directly under sunlight (plenty of vitamin D you'll generate).

For comfort, a padding for your behind is also helpful.
A gardening kneeling pad sold at works well for most people. Otherwise, some of our paddlers sit on one of their soft sandals or flip-flops while paddling.

What to Bring

Not much, except a 500ml bottle or two of water.
You will definitely need water, even when it's not hot.

What will be Provided

We have a life vest (also know as PFD -- Personal Floatation Device) an a paddle for you.

updated 02-Sep-10